Parliament Section Sketch © Lunuganga Trust

The Total Picture

architecture & power

What does architecture tell us about power? How a building is commissioned, constructed and used is an embodiment of power that is easy to decipher, but the disciplines intertwining with forces of agency are not always readily apparent. In this segment we take a closer look at the dynamics of architecture and power, looking to moments of liberation and revolution as much as those of hierarchy and rigidity.

The Total Picture: Geoffrey Manning Bawa and Decolonizing Architecture, with Shanti Jayawardene

Thursday, 24 March

Exploring the links between knowledge, writing, building, and power, in this session we will consider the narratives regarding Bawa's work and its relationship to Sri Lanka with Dr. Shanti Jayawardene, author of Geoffrey Manning Bawa: Decolonizing Architecture. Words and structures, language and scaffolds are intertwined to highlight the complexity of Geoffrey Bawa's architectural engagement with the country, its past, present and future.

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